Announcements for this week

  • Wednesday Upper Room Student Ministry

    Make Ready.....

    And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. ~~Luke 22:12

    Upper Room Student Ministry will meet on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM in the Family Life Center.  Please see Midge Stephens, Debbie Lane, Vicky Edmonds, or Amanda Maples for more information.

  • Ladies Monthly Dinner

    Ladies, please join us for the our Monthly Dinner on Thursday, July 25th at 6:30 PM.  We will meet at the Chop House in Fountain City.  Please RSVP to Debbie Lane.


    Ladies, please join us on Monday, July 29th at 6:00 PM in the Family Life Center for an Ice Cream Party.  We will have lots of yummy ice cream and toppings along with great fellowship.  Please sign up in the vestibule.  

  • Adult Choir Practice

    Please join us on Friday, August 2nd at 6:30 for Adult Choir Practice.  Please see Adam Inklebarger for more information.  All are welcome.

  • Food Pantry Volunteers

    Please join the youth as we serve at the Corryton Food Pantry in 2024. We will meet at the at Rutherford Memorial United Methodist Church at 6:00 PM on the dates listed below in 2024. On the nights we serve in the food pantry, middle and high school youth will not meet for the Upper Room Student Ministry at the church. Please see Midge Stephens or Terrel Whitaker for more information.

    August 7

    October 9

    December 11

  • White Water Rafting

    Please join us on Saturday, August 17th for a day of white water rafting and fellowship.  Please see Allison Silcox to sign up and for pricing information.  Please meet at Bethel and plan to leave from there.

  • Updates from Ukraine

    Please join us in prayer for Ukraine.  We are posting updates, as we receive them, in the Pray for Ukraine section.  The link is listed at the top of this page.

  • Southern Baptist Disaster Relief

    If men or women are interested in being part of the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, please see Dennis Jones.

  • Habitat for Humanity

    If you would like to volunteer with the Habitat for Humanity Homeowner's Maintenance class, please see Dennis Jones.

  • Family Life Center Use

    If you are needing to use the Family Life Center, please contact Marcia Inklebarger at 865-659-7050.  You will need to book the Family Life Center through Marcia for use.

  • CD Requests

    If you need to request a CD of one of our services, please see a SoundBooth technician.  Turnaround time is 1 week.