Skeet Tournament Fundraiser

Bethel Baptist Church is holding a Skeet Tournament fundraiser for our 2019 Mission trip to Ukraine.  While in Ukraine, we will be hosting 2 Women’s retreats and day camps for the children.  


The fundraiser is set for June 2, 2018  beginning at 9:00 AM at Chilhowee Sportsman’s Club in Maryville, TN.  Lunch will be served at noon.

  • Skeet Tournament Flyer

    Please help us promote our tournament.   The flyer is available at the link below:

    Skeet Tournament Flyer

  • Participant Forms

    Please return registration and fee by May 2nd for a $25 discount per shooter.  The fee per shooter is $125.   Shooters must provide their own shells.  Shells will also be available for purchase at Chilhowee Sportman's Club.

    Participant Signup

    Medical Release form

  • Sponsorship Forms

    If you would like to be a sponsor for our tournament, please see the links below.  There are various sponsorship levels.

    Sponsorship Letter

    Sponsorship Levels

    Sponsorship Signup

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